I grew up always knowing that something special had happened to me when I was an infant but I wasn’t told what had happened until I was in my 20’s.
The day after my first birthday I was rushed to hospital and diagnosed with cerebral meningitis. I spent ten days in hospital and was given nineteen lumbar punctures. Finally, the medical staff admitted that there was nothing further that they could do. I was sent home and my parents were told that it would be better if I died rather than lived. The prognosis was that I would never walk or speak but would be entirely reliant on other people for everything.
At that time my grandmother had become interested in Christian Science and was aware that there was a local Christian Science practitioner, a person who devotes his or her life to the public practice of healing. In hopeless despair my parents asked the practitioner for help, although they knew almost nothing about Christian Science.
At that point, when nothing was humanly possible, the practitioner suggested to my mother that she should not take the tranquilisers prescribed by the doctor, and that I should be put into my cot and have the door closed on me. Through the night the practitioner affirmed the truths about being, that Christ Jesus and later Mrs Eddy knew, were fact. She encouraged my mother to stay calm and expect good, because God, Love, is ever present Many of the truths that she must have worked with are contained in the “scientific statement of being” which can be found on page 468 of the Christian Science textbook.
“ There is no life, truth, intelligence nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation for God is All, in all…”
The following morning, when my mother went into my room, I was standing up in the cot, completely healed. I have lived a full and active life ever since.
As a result of this healing my mother started attending the Christian Science church and was a devoted member for over 65 years. I attended the Christian Science Sunday School until I was twenty and am grateful for the understanding that I gained there, of man’s being as reflection, utterly incapable of being anything other than principled, active, useful, loving and fulfilled.
Maidstone Church Member